Requirements to Establish a Student Club


The Student Club is a student activity that aims to enhance the skills of male and female students within a common interest through group work and volunteer activities

Establishing Student Clubs:

1 - A group of male or female students has the right to initiate and request the establishment of a student club within the following rules:

2- The idea of the club should be a new idea and should not intersect with other student activities and clubs at the university.

3- The goals of the club should be consistent within the higher goals of student activities at the university and bear lofty values within the legal and official controls.

4- Colleges have the right to establish specialized student clubs, provided that they are within the college’s professional specializations and do not intersect with any activity or club in the university. The club should be supervised by the college’s vice-general supervising student activities, and coordinated with the Deanship of Student Affairs regarding the club’s work and various activities.

The Method of Founding a Club:

1- Male or female students submit a brief about the club and their desire to establish it to the Dean of Student Affairs for student activities, including:

• The goals of the club.

• Activities and events that will be represented.

• Names of the work team.

• The commitment of the work team to continue the activities for at least one full year.

2- After confirming the general conditions and controls and fulfilling the requirements, the matter is presented to the Executive Committee of Student Activity, and in the event of the Committee’s approval, the issue is presented to the Higher Committee for Student Activity, which has the final authority in the club’s approval.

3- The decision to establish the club is issued by the Dean of Student Affairs with the assignment of a general supervisor to the club from among the faculty members who are known for their knowledge, knowledge and experience.

4- Regarding college clubs, their establishment shall be approved by the concerned college council. After the minutes are approved by His Excellency the Director, the Dean of Student Affairs is addressed to issue a decision to establish the club, provided that the college representative is the general supervisor of the club.

.. God grants success

Last Update
1/25/2022 1:04:18 AM