Special Needs Center Services
Take care of the special needs students starting with the admission
and registration until graduation offering the following services:
First: Female student’s registration
Register the student through
contacting the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
Second: Provide training and rehabilitation courses for the
Train students on how to use the
special needs technologies.
Train students on the daily life
Third: Provide the teaching aids
Attempt to provide all the teaching
aids for the special needs students.
Offer special labs for the disabled.
Forth: Offer a special hostelry for the blind
Offer a special hostelry for the
Fifth: Curriculum printing
Attempt to provide the curricula in
Braille by copying and printing the books and lectures.
Sixth: Supervise the exams of regular and external students
Receive the colleges’ examination
timetables, classify, and distribute them on the special needs students.
Provide special exam halls for the
Provide volunteer readers and
scribes to help the disabled do their exams.
Provide tutors from the Center to
supervise the examination process.
Seventh: Supervise the graduates
Inform the graduates of the
graduation date.
Help special needs students march
during the graduation ceremony.