Special Needs Center Services

Take care of the special needs students starting with the admission and registration until graduation offering the following services:

First: Female student’s registration

·         Register the student through contacting the Deanship of Admission and Registration.

Second: Provide training and rehabilitation courses for the students

·         Train students on how to use the special needs technologies.

·         Train students on the daily life skills.

Third: Provide the teaching aids

·         Attempt to provide all the teaching aids for the special needs students.

·         Offer special labs for the disabled.

Forth: Offer a special hostelry for the blind

·         Offer a special hostelry for the blind.

Fifth: Curriculum printing

·         Attempt to provide the curricula in Braille by copying and printing the books and lectures.

Sixth: Supervise the exams of regular and external students

·         Receive the colleges’ examination timetables, classify, and distribute them on the special needs students.

·         Provide special exam halls for the disabled.

·         Provide volunteer readers and scribes to help the disabled do their exams.

·         Provide tutors from the Center to supervise the examination process.

Seventh: Supervise the graduates

·         Inform the graduates of the graduation date.

·         Help special needs students march during the graduation ceremony.


Last Update
3/10/2014 1:48:09 PM