Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Cytokine changes in patients with heatstroke during pilgrimage to Makkah
Cytokine changes in patients with heatstroke during pilgrimage to Makkah
Document Language : English 
Abstract : , a true medic. L1 emergency, occurs in two distinct settings c: .ertionul hyperthermia during hOI humid wea Iier, and that due 10 impaired heat dissipatior , mostly seen in "eden¬tary and elderly persons. Patients with heatstrc ke have complete loss of thermoregulation, pi csent with core body 'empenturc > 40•C, ho : dry skin, neurological .ysfunction "With irnpai red mental status and occasionally coma.' Mor .ality rate is high where terminal events inclu:' e "hock, arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, r, .nal failure and various neurological dysfunctior s.3 Cyrokincs play a rn; jar role, both in heat production and in mod ulat ing the response to stress arid trauma. late' .leukin-S (IL-6), a pleio¬tropic cytokine , rnodi lares the acute phase response and stlrnulatcs hepatic synthesis and release of C-reactive protein (CRP).~ Other mediators of acute p usc response include; tumour necrosis (actor alpha (TNFo.) and inter¬lcukin-I (lL-l), both n. odulatc [he release and activity 0(1L-6-' The ac aviues 01" TNF« :m<.lIL-1 arc attenuated by eire: .Iating inhibitors namely TNF soluble receptors '1'NF5r) 1 and 11"•7 and n. (i) 1997 Rapid Scicnce Publi~hl r~ Article numbor ~ 9667 1-00 IPJ 1 receptor antagonist (lL-l ra) respectively." These inhibitors may afford a protective me¬ehanislTI against a continued inflammatory pro¬CeSS. Elevated TNFsr-lI levels have been observed in Various pathological conditions including cndotoxaeinia and infection9•10 and several re¬ports showed correlation between conccnrra¬tions of TNI' and its soluble receptor,' I IL-lra is released under various conditions such as trauma and inflamm.'ltion_12,13 Hcpatocytcs play a major role in acute phase response. The effect of the heatstroke on hepatocytes and thus on [he synthesis and release of eRP and cytokincs was assessed by measuring circulating alanine aminotransferase (AiD levels. Furthermore, the effect of possible renal dysfunction in heatstroke- on the circulat¬ing levels of these cytokines W-.J.S assessed by correlating with serum creatinine levels. The circulating levels and role of these protein mediators in hyperthermia and in (he pathogenesis and cutocmc of heatstroke is unknown. In this study, we measured serum concentrations of stimulators/mediators of the acute phase response (lL-G and CRP) and inhibitors/neutralizers of cytokinc activities 
ISSN : 1110-5607 
Journal Name : M"diwalI; of Inflammation 
Volume : 6 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1418 AH
1997 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Friday, January 14, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمود الاحولAI-Ahwal, Mahmoud ResearcherDoctorate 


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